What to do if you find injured waterfowl

These new intakes are grabbing a sip of water while we prepare their habitat. We will care for them until they are fully flighted, self-sufficient Canada Geese.

In case you find baby waterfowl (geese or ducks), follow these instructions to give them a hand:

If you find a young baby gosling or duckling, the first thing to do is check if he is injured. If you see anything abnormal, call us (267) 416-9453. But if the baby duck or goose looks perfectly healthy, the best thing to do is place him in a safe container, like a cardboard box (with paper towel or rag on the bottom so he doesn’t slip around).

Look around for his family. All of his siblings will be the same size - that’s the best clue you have found the right family. Place the baby on the ground close to the family, and watch carefully. If he runs to the parents, and the parents to him, all should be well. Continue to watch to ensure the reunion is successful. If the parents peck the baby or try to avoid him, scoop him back up, and call us or bring him in right away.
