An old tradition with our long established team is our “First baby squirrel of the year” competition. Our volunteers and staff compete to guess the date of the arrival of this season’s first baby squirrel, and write their guess on a whiteboard. It’s not as easy as you think! Squirrels start giving birth in February but a number of factors may impact when the first one comes into care. The prestigious “no prize” goes to the winner. This year’s co-winners were Lisa, our business manager, and Shannon, a long time volunteer, who chose February 22nd. This group of newborns was brought when someone cut down the tree which housed their nest. Often, we can reunite babies and their mother but it couldn’t happen in this case. If you are doing tree work, please check for nests in the branches and inside the tree first. If you accidentally cut down a tree that houses baby animals of any kind, please call us! Reuniting mom and babies is our first priority and we’ll happy to advise you what to do.