Philadelphia Metro Wildlife Center

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Bird Flu (Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1))

Hysteria related to bird flu is mounting. Instead, we promote a calm, measured, and carefully-considered response.

If you see a wild animal in distress, call us before you take any action. This has always been our policy - but is especially important in this context (for the health of all wildlife and humans involved).

When you call, we will gather information and determine the best and safest course of action.

Our admissions policies have always been strict to ensure that we accept animals in an orderly fashion (so only animals that have a medical need AND that can be safely contained get transported). We will update admissions and biosecurity policies in accordance with the emerging science and guidance.

We are here to serve the community. Please be patient with us as we navigate this complicated time as responsibly and effectively as possible.

Thank you.